Cloud Tutors | AWS | Certified Solution Architect Associate | Certified Solution Architect Associate

Returns & Refund Policy

Thanks for enrolling to our online learning products on CloudTutors (
As a subscriber, if you are not entirely satisfied with our product, we are here to help.

Cancellations & Refunds

  1. Subscribers can request a cancellation of enrollment to our course by sending an email to within the first 7 (seven) days of registering for the product and having made a payment.
  2. Every subscriber who has enrolled for a product, shall be allowed to cancel his/her subscription of the product within 7 calendar days of registering for a product and having made a payment. Taxes paid on the cancellation fee also shall not be refunded.
  3. All refunds shall be processed with 2 weeks’ of receiving a cancellation request.
  4. All refunds shall be paid to the same bank account that was used for making the payment. Under no circumstances, refund shall be paid in cash.
  5. No refund of Service Fees shall be made in case of non-usage or partial usage of product by the subscriber.
  6. No refund of Service Fees shall be made in case of mentoring or job preparation session by the subscriber.
  7. No refund of the Service Fee shall be made after the subscription has lapsed or ended.
  8. Service Fees cannot be adjusted against purchase of any other product.
  9. Service Fees cannot be assigned to any other subscriber.
  10. Access to all paid products shall be blocked upon raising of a cancellation request. However, access to free products shall continue.
Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us.
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